

Perfect timing for cradle Catholics.

Just because you might have been born as a cradle catholic, does not mean we shouldn’t know what those who are converting to Catholicism are preparing.

 The Scrutinies are rites of conversion and repentance.  This period of purification and enlightenment, which the rite of election begins, customarily coincides with Lent, second, third and fourth Sundays of Lent.

Cradle Catholics need to examine (scrutinize) how we are living our lives where we are tempted, or seriously sin - in what we do and what we fail to do.  We really need healing and the strength of our community and God’s grace.

#1 Scrutiny Christ as living water Gospel, Woman at the well

#2 Scrutiny Christ as Light of the world, the man born blind.

#3 Scrutiny Christ as Resurrection and Light, the story of Lazarus. 

Looking for a Holy Moment, today? Try for 60 Holy Moments, Spend an hour before Jesus. He is waiting for you.  

Adoration Today.