Empty space

“For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you." Lk 6:38


Lent is like ‘spring cleaning’.  We clean out cupboards and closets and give to food pantries or Goodwill.

Look at all that empty space!

Now turn off the TV for one show a day, or a video game, or social media.

Look at all that free time!


But it is not enough to empty pantries and closets.   Jesus wants us to empty our hearts also.

Throw out all the judgements, resentments and grudges. Take them out to the curb with the rubbish.

Now look at all the inner space you have. 

Don’t look to fill it up. Just let it be.

Consider Lent a progressive spring cleaning, inwardly and outwardly.

God, giver of all good gifts, Free us from the too many and the too much.

Free us to be in gratitude for our renewed hearts at Easter.



The more God lives in me, the more alive I am… the more I become like Him, who is Joy and Love itself.