
Welcome to St. Pius X Parish! 

We extend a warm welcome to all who worship with us or just stop by to visit our church. We hope that you find our parish community a place where your life of faith will be nourished. We also hope that you will share your special gifts with the community. Your prayers, your presence, and your talents are most welcome. Please introduce yourself after Mass.

Mass Times

Saturday Evenings: 4:00pm
Sundays: 7:00, 8:30, 10:30am & 12:00pm
Monday - Saturday Daily Mass: 8:45am
Fridays during Lent: 12:15pm
Vigil of Holy Day: 4:00pm
Holy Day: 8:45am, 12:15pm & 5:00pm
Reconciliation: Saturdays 3:00-4:00pm or by appointment

Parish Information

Mailing Address:
1 Saint Pius Court, Plainview NY 11803-4041
Street Address:
270 Washington Ave, Plainview NY 11803

Parish Office: (516)938-3956
Monday-Friday: 9:00am-4:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: 9am-1pm

Faith Formation Office: (516)822-8348

Emergency Ph (outside of business): (516)661-5117
Fax: (516)433-6138


  • Sun, Feb 16th

  • Sun, Feb 9th

Adult Bible Study Class

Class Every Tuesday @ 7:00 PM
Room #1 - School Building

We are so excited to continue our parish’s new Adult Bible Study Ministry under the direction of Jason Troche and Elizabeth Restrepo. Please join us in unlocking the Mystery of the Bible, get to know or reconnect with God’s Word and Our Catholic Faith.

St. Pius X Columbiettes Clothing Drive

Girl Scout Sunday - February 23, 2025

Celebrate our Girl Scouts 
at this week's Family Mass!

Sunday, February 23, 2025
10:30 AM

Taize Prayer Service - Feb. 22, 2025

St. Patrick's / St. Joseph's Day Party - March 8, 2025

2025 Catholic Ministries Appeal

As Catholics, we are sent on mission to spread the Gospel to everyone we encounter. A common phrase you may have heard is, “preach the Gospel, and if necessary, use words.” The idea behind the phrase is that our actions should speak louder than our words, and our actions should exemplify us as disciples of Christ. One way for us to do this is by making a sacrificial gift to the benefit of another person. The Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) gives us an opportunity to do just that.  

The work that the CMA funds is so important, as it reaches across Long Island and all generations. Think about the impact your gift today will have for years to come. A gift today can fund the education of a seminarian who will become a priest and bring others to Christ throughout his life. Your gift can help someone start their life over again as they break the chains of addiction and live their life with dignity and faith. A gift may be used to help a young single mother raise her baby with confidence and security. Our gifts touch so many lives in our community.      

I ask you to please join me and all your brothers and sisters within our diocese to prayerfully consider making a gift to the 2025 Catholic Ministries Appeal. Please do so to the best of your ability as all gifts matter, regardless of the size. Please also remember, 100% of every dollar raised is restricted to fund the objectives, programs, and mission supported by the Catholic Ministries Appeal. No donations are used to fund the bankruptcy settlement.     

Finally, if you are unable to make a gift at this time due to circumstances in your life, please reach out to the parish at any time, so that we may help you in any way that we can. You are never alone, and your church community is always here to support you.    

May God bless you, your loved ones, and our parish.  

Give online @ www.drvc.org/donate/cma/

St. Pius X Youth Group Monthly Rosary

Join the St. Pius X Youth Group
the first Monday of the month @ 7:00 PM
as we pray the Rosary together
as a Church Family.

Taize Prayer Service - March 15, 2025

Socks of Love


All “Socks of Love” will be donated to THE INN serving hungry & homeless Long Islanders!

St. Pius X Confirmation Candidates will be preparing the Socks of Love as a Community Service Project. Donations can be made in 4 ways:

Order from St. Pius X’s Amazon Wishlist.
Use the shipping address for St. Pius X RC Church and your donation will be shipped directly to the Rectory.

Monetary donations can be placed in the weekly collection basket in an envelope marked “Socks of Love” or dropped off at the rectory.

Donate online using our parish WeShare donation link for monetary donations.

Drop off items at the Parish Office or Faith Formation. Suggested items include new socks & travel size toiletries (toothpaste, soap, deodorant, combs, razors, shave gel, shampoo)

Socks are the most requested item by homeless shelters throughout the United States and around the world.

Thank you for your generosity during the Lenten season and giving hope to the those in need.

Gourmet Soup Supper & Socks of Love Project

SUNDAY, APRIL 6, 2025 @ 6:00 pm in Madonna Hall

Helping Hands are needed to stuff socks with toiletries. During the Soup Supper, we will gather for our annual SOCKS of LOVE Project which serves the homeless of Long Island.

Enjoy some gourmet soups with your parish family while helping others in need.

Financial Donations are accepted!

Checks payable to St. Pius X will be used to purchase additional toiletries.

Taize Prayer Service - Sun. Feb. 2, 2025

The service brought together members of various faith communities, including Plainview Reformed Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and The Episcopal Church of St. Margaret's.
It was a beautiful, hour-long service filled with chants, scripture reflections, and profound silence. This experience deeply moved our community, especially our youth, and we hope to organize more events like this to bring our parish closer to Christ.

Click here for the Taize Prayer Service Photo Album

Click here for the Taize Prayer Service Video

70th Anniversary Gala - Sun. Jan. 26, 2025

Last Sunday, it was wonderful to see over 275 people—ranging from children as young as six months to individuals as old as 96—gather together to celebrate the blessings of our shared journey as a Faith Community. We marked 70 years of Love, Faith, Service, and Unity under the patronage of Pope St. Pius X.

As I said in my opening remarks, “This is a celebration of our past, a moment to embrace our present, and an opportunity to look forward with hope as we Restore All Things in Jesus Christ.”

A Special Thank You to our beloved Bobby Pena and his beloved wife Josefina for capturing our every event in the parish as well as this special one.  

Click here for the 70th Anniversary Gala Photo Album
Click here for the 70th Anniversary Gala Video

Knights of Columbus Newsletter

Knights of Columbus Newsletter 
Janaury & February 2025

Baptism Blessing Mass - Jan. 12, 2025

Last Sunday, on the Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord, our little cathedral was joyfully packed as over ten babies, accompanied by their parents and relatives, received a special Baptism Blessing.

It was truly inspiring to witness these young families reconnect with their faith and renew their baptismal promises. Let us continue to keep these baptized children, along with their parents, godparents, and grandparents, in our fervent prayers.

Click here for the Baptism Blessing Mass Photo Album

Christmas Giving Drive

Thank you to everyone who donated to this year’s Christmas Giving Drive. Your donations were distributed to Momma's House, SCO Family of Services, and Madonna Heights in time for Christmas. These programs provide physical, emotional, and social support to women and children in need. Your gifts helped brighten someone’s Christmas this year!

Christmas Letter from Bishop Barres

Breakfast with Santa - Dec. 15, 2025

Our "Breakfast with Santa" was a resounding success. It was heartening to see so many young families gathered for food, fun, and Christmas joy. Special thanks to Catherine Polz, Steve Rhoads, Brenden Van Runnen, Caitlyn Dossie, our Youth Group, our Confirmation Program (7th and 8th graders), and, of course, Santa Anthony D'Alto. Thank you to our photographer Bobby Pena and his wife Josephine for capturing the joy of the day.

Click here for the Breakfast with Santa Photo Album

The Story of Christmas - Dec. 15, 2024

During our 10:30 am Mass on December 15th, our Faith Formation children presented a heartwarming Christmas Pageant, telling the sacred story of Jesus’ birth. The children, youth, and supporting volunteers did a phenomenal job. Special thanks to our FFP Coordinators: Claudia Stewart, Louise Buchman, Robin Yakacki, Kristen Trani and Linda Carter. Thanks also to John and Robin Yakacki for their musical contributions.

Click here for the Story of Christmas Photo Album

Christmas Tree Lighting, Stable Blessing, & Knights of Columbus Christmas Party - Dec. 7, 2024

With heartfelt gratitude, we thank Grand Knight Arnold Bendig and our dedicated Knights of Columbus and Columbiettes for organizing a festive and joyful STPX Christmas Party. The delicious food, music, and laughter brought warmth and joy to all who attended. Your hard work and dedication to the parish family never go unnoticed. Thank you for your generosity and commitment to our parish life.

Click here for the Christmas Party Photo Album

The Marriage Group - Online Pre-Cana Classes for Engaged Couples

Living Our Faith in Love by The Marriage Group is the world’s most popular online, on-demand Catholic marriage prep course and can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere. The Marriage Group’s courses are promoted by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Features of the Pre-Cana:

  • Downloadable His and Hers Discussion Guides that will spark meaningful and deep conversation.
  • Presented by couples with a variety of perspectives on the vocation of marriage
  • Interactive Reflection Exercises to help understand the topic and its main takeaways.
  • Includes a Certificate of Completion.

Register and receive immediate access here: https://themarriagegroup.com/courses/pre-cana/

Knights of Columbus Country Music Night - Oct. 19, 2024

Last Saturday, the STPX community was treated to an extraordinary evening of country flair and fun at the Country Line Celebration, graciously hosted by the Knights of Columbus and Columbiettes. This vibrant event brought together parishioners for an evening filled with delectable food, refreshing drinks, lively music, and enthusiastic dancing. The atmosphere was electric as attendees danced the evening away in great spirits and company.

Click here for the Country Music Night Photo Album

Blessing of the Animals - Oct. 6, 2024

Annual Blessing of the Animals
Feast of St. Francis of Assisi
Sunday, October 6

Last weekend, we had a wonderful celebration of the Feast of St. Francis with our Blessing of the Animals. It was heartwarming to see 27 dogs and 3 cats (who seemed surprisingly calm) gathered for this special occasion. St. Francis reminds us of the beauty of all creation, and it was a joy to witness this love for our animal friends.

Click here for the Blessing of the Animals Photo Album

St. Vincent de Paul Friends of the Poor Walk - Sept. 21, 2024

Thank you to everyone who supported this year's St. Vincent de Paul Friends of the Poor Walk at Heckscher State Park in East Islip. 

The St. Vincent de Paul Society takes care of the needy of our Parish and local community regardless of “Color, Creed or Gender.”

To our Parishioners of St. Pius X, thank you for your continued financial support to this ministry.

9/11 Interfaith Memorial Service

Once again, the Plainview Old-Bethpage community gathered for the 9/11 Interfaith Community Service at our beloved St. Pius X Cathedral. It was a deeply moving experience. We were joined by leaders from various religious groups, guiding us through prayers and reflections. A heartfelt thanks to First Counselor Jody Williams of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for his inspiring speech on unity, peace, and harmony. Special recognition also goes to the talented JFK High School mixed choir and our own Caryn Yakacki, along with her father John Yakacki, for their outstanding musical contributions. A special shout out to our STPX Youth group and our dedicated parish event coordinator, Claudia Stewart, for their significant role in making this service a success.

Click here for the 9/11 Interfaith Memorial Service Video

Click here for the 9/11 Interfaith Memorial Service Photo Album

Blessing of the Backpacks - Sept. 15, 2024

Our Faith Formation Program officially kicked off with the First Family Mass. It was heartwarming to see so many children with their backpacks and notebooks, receiving a special blessing. Our Columbiettes were incredibly generous, providing a delightful breakfast spread for our young families.

Click here for the Blessing of the Backpacks Photo Album


St. Pius X Knights of Columbus Installation

Congratulations to all our St. Pius X Knights of Columbus Officers,
who were installed on August 22, 2024 for the next Columbian Year.

Click here for the Installation Photo Album

Thank you to Our Feast Sponsors! Aug. 1 - 4, 2024

Feast Volunteer Dinner - Aug. 9, 2024

Over 252 volunteers, driven by a shared spirit of unity and community, came together to weave the fabric of our cherished celebration of the Feast of St. Pius X. It was truly remarkable to witness families working side by side—fathers, mothers, and children, along with new and long-time parishioners, joining hands in service.

On Friday, August 9th, we took the time to celebrate and thank all those who worked so hard behind the scenes to make our Feast of St. Pius X so successful!

Click here for the Feast Volunteer Photo Album

2024 Annual St. Pius X Feast

I am humbled and filled with gratitude as I reflect on the extraordinary journey we embarked upon during this year’s St. Pius X Feast and Festival 2024. This annual event truly showcases what I like to call the "Miracle of the Feast," and it is with immense joy that I extend my heartfelt appreciation to each and every one of you who contributed to its success, even in the face of challenging weather. Despite rain on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, we created the perfect bond of love, peace, harmony, and unity—a testament to our faith and community spirit in these times of uncertainty.  

Knights of Columbus / Columbiettes Parish Picnic - July 21, 2024

We express our heartfelt gratitude to Grand Knight Arnold Bendig and his committee for organizing a successful family picnic. The event was a wonderful display of unity and fellowship, with participants of all ages enjoying food, games, and activities.  

Click here for the Parish Picnic Photo Album

Class of 2024 Graduates

Class of 2024 High School graduates
were recognized at all masses
in a special way this weekend, June 29th / 30th.

Congratulations to all our Class of 2024 Graduates,
along with their families.

May God continue to bless you and guide you as
you start the next chapter of your faith journey.

Click here for the Graduates' Mass Photo Album

Beach Mass - July 21, 2024

The highlight of the weekend was undoubtedly the Beach Mass, which drew over 200 people from diverse age groups. The perfect weather contributed to a truly uplifting experience. Special thanks to the STPX Youth group, led by Claudia Stewart and Brenden Von Runnen, for their exceptional coordination of the liturgy, infusing the Mass with a sense of shared faith and love.   The increasing number of attendees at our Beach Mass is a testament to the love and appreciation for the ocean, waves, and the captivating beauty of the sky as a sacred backdrop for our Mass. May God bless our parish and all its members as we continue to come together in faith and love.

Click here for the Beach Mass photo album

Beach Mass - June 23, 2024

I am delighted to share that our First Beach Mass at Tobey Beach was a resounding success! It was heartening to see people of all ages coming together to worship and participate in a beautiful liturgy. Despite the rough and windy weather, over 100 people joined us, and we managed to move the venue to the adjoining building's patio, which worked out perfectly.  

A special thank you to our STPX youth group for their active involvement and to Claudia Stewart, Brenden Von Runnen, and Steve Rhoads, our youth director, for their invaluable help.

Click here for the June 23, 2024 Beach Mass Photo Album

22nd Annual St. Pius X Golf Outing

Our 2024 STPX Golf Outing was a great success! It was the idea of Mr. Dario Rossi in 2022 to have the Golf Outing the day after Father’s Day, and it worked out well. We had a record number of golfers – 144! Can you believe that? Thanks to Dario, our golfers enjoyed a beautiful day of golf and fellowship. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Brookville Country Club, especially Manager Carl O’Boyle, for being the perfect host and taking care of every detail. Thank you to our sponsors, golfers, and volunteers for your support and hard work, which helps us maintain our beloved STPX.

Click here for the 22nd Annual St. Pius Golf Outing Photo Album

May Crowning, Pre-K Graduation, & 40th Wedding Anniversary - May 5, 2024

During the Family Mass, we celebrated the eagerness of our Pre-K students to learn about Jesus and take their first steps in the Catholic Faith. May Crowning was a beautiful tribute to the Virgin Mary, honoring her as a model of faith and devotion.

Click here for the May 5th Photo Album

Knights of Columbus Murder Mystery Night - May 4, 2024

Thank you to the St. Pius X Knights of Columbus and Columbiettes for a fun filled Saturday night. It was a great night filled with suspense and mystery, and a lot of laughs.

Click here for the Murder Mystery Night Photo Album

First Holy Communion - April 6, 2024

First Holy Communion - April 13, 2024

Easter Vigil - March 30, 2024

Holy Thursday - March 28, 2024

Good Friday - March 29, 2024

Good Friday - Stations of the Cross - March 29, 2024

Palms & Pancakes Breakfast - March 24, 2024

Thanks to the Knights of Columbus, Columbiettes, and all involved in organizing the Palm Sunday Pancake Breakfast. Gratitude to Cathy Polz, Claudia Stewart, Confirmation Students, and the STPX Youth Group for orchestrating the Easter Craft Event, fostering creativity and camaraderie among our community members. Thank you to Bobby & Josefina Peńa for these beautiful photos.

Click here for the Palms & Pancakes Photo Album

Lent 2024 Pastoral Letter

Lenten Gourmet Soup Supper - March 10, 2024

Reflecting on the Lenten Soup Supper, I'm filled with admiration for our community's generosity and compassion. The event's success, thanks to the collaboration of local businesses, individuals, and the tireless efforts of dedicated volunteers, exemplifies the spirit of solidarity and service. Special thanks to Robert Cameron and Jean Kelly, the Speakers of the Day and Claudia Stewart (FFP Main Coordinator and the parish event planner) and Robin Yakacki, Kristen Schreiner, Linda Munden, Virginia Wildemann, Loretta Dressler, Debbie Mazzola, Jodie Friedman, Lucille Walsh and our partnering restaurants La Famiglia, La Piazza, Mario’s, Piccolo Bussolo, Cravings, & Iavarone Kitchen & Pizzeria. Angie’s Kitchen for their invaluable contributions. Thank You to our STPX Youth Group for executing the event gracefully. 

Click here for photos from the Soup Supper

St. Patrick's & St. Joseph's Day Party - March 9, 2024

The St. Patrick’s & Joseph’s Day Party was celebrated on March 9th, thanks to the Knights of Columbus and all who participated in honoring Irish and Italian heritage.

Click here for the St. Patrick's / St. Joseph's Day Party Photo Album

St. Pius X Columbiettes - 10th Anniversary Mass - March 3, 2024

We celebrated a Thanksgiving Mass for our sister Columbiettes as they commemorated their 10th anniversary. The Mass was well-attended, and it was heartening to see the community come together to honor them. Let us continue to support and uplift one another in our various endeavors.

Click here for the 10th Anniversary Mass Photo Album

Catholic Charities of Long Island

Catholic Charities of Long Island assists the vulnerable in many ways, including housing, nutrition, mental health, and maternity and senior services. We also help immigrants and those with developmental disabilities and in need of addiction treatment.

Please enjoy the features of the CCLI website.


Catholic Charities of Long Island shares the love of Jesus by offering dignified and compassionate care to poor and vulnerable neighbors of every faith and background. As a ministry of the Roman Catholic Church, our work is inspired by the Gospel message that every human life is sacred.

Today, we’re one of the largest human service networks on Long Island with 53 sites from Elmont to the East End. Nearly 500 employees and 300 volunteers serve an average of 53,000 people each year of every faith and background and at every stage of life. And working with local Parish Social Ministry offices at more than 100 parishes, we help tens of thousands more rebuild their lives every day. So, while people and problems may change, our promise to bring Christ’s love to every person we meet remains constant.  


Parishioners have been receiving emails and texts from scammers posing as Fr. Valentine and Fr. Chux, Deacon John and the other parish staff members asking for help and trying to get money and gift cards.

Do not believe these requests or reply to any of the communications. Our priests and staff would not and never have contacted parishioners for help in such a manner.
Your concern for our priests and the staff, is appreciated.

Sacraments 101: Eucharist (How We Receive)

Sacraments 201: Eucharist (What We Believe)

Is the Eucharist Really the Body & Blood of Jesus?

Notice of Deadlines Requiring Filing of Adult Survivors Act Sexual Abuse Proofs of Claim on or before October 10, 2022

History of St. Pius X - 60th Anniversary Video

History of St. Pius X - Cooking with Marion Celenza & Fr. Valentine



Moment of Reflection
October 10, 2021

"By walking together, and together reflecting on the journey made, the Church will be able to learn from what it will experience which processes can help it to live communion, to achieve participation, to open itself to mission." Pope Francis  

Synod on Synodality Explained!

We are Prayerful!

Fr. Valentine

Our Pastor
Fr. Valentine!

We are Engaged!


Our Children

Our Children!

We are Service Committed!

Our Patron Saint
St. Pius X!
